Game Demos

These are demos / projects that are unfinished, and simply here as a showcase of what I’ve done.


Tidal Wav


Tidal Wav is a music based game, where you play as a bat flying through a cave.

The game loads files from your music folder (.wav or .ogg with .mp3 on android only), and then select a track. The game then procedurally generates a cave in time with the music. Hitting the top or bottom of the cave scores red points.

There is a simple (incomplete) point shop that allows you to buy different skins, which not only change the player to something else, but also the theme of buttons and text font.

There are multiple difficulty settings, as well as in-depth setting customisation.

It was planned to allow interaction of music in the background while you played on your phone, such as from Spotify. The game was not completed due to issues with streaming music from the phone, and due to other projects needing more attention, this was never picked up again.


BEOG Adventures

BEOG Adventures is a game built using GameMaker Studio. I built this for my college coursework.

The game is a dungeon crawler, where you move from one level to the next. The game scales the difficulty of the levels by gradually increasing the size of the rooms, the strength of the enemies, the amount of enemies, and adding a new type of enemy after every boss.

You progress through the levels by finding the key, then navigating to the door.

Every 10 levels is a boss, each unique with their own ways of combating them. Each one drops an item that restores your health, one that provides a stat boost, and the key to open the door.

There are 13 characters to choose from, each with unique abilities, stats and appearances.

There is currently no help / aid for the game.


D&D Sheet Creator (Unity)

This was my the first attempt at a shared Sheet Creator for general tabletop RPG games.

The idea was that character sheets could be user-made, and then characters created and shared between players.

The session host has “Game Master” access, allowing them to edit any characters.

Users can create a character, which stores their own version of a each variable for the created sheet. These are stored separately by variable name in a .db file, meaning that you can share variables with the same name between sheets.

This was never completed as other work required more attention, and when revisiting it later, I realised it would be much better as a website rather than a program, which is now the RPGSheet Maker project.


Escape Station

Escape station was a planned project by Soft Apps for a VR multiplayer “escape the room”.

However, the project was cancelled really early on in it’s development lifecycle, so we fixed a couple of larger bugs and released it on steam.
It is not multiplayer, and largely incomplete.